DO NOT To Host An Alcohol Graduation Party. You ARE Endangering Your Kids and the Community.
Many senior parents have been working for more than a year to put together a great party for our kids that is alcohol and drug free. We have done so because we have read the research and studies and we have personal experience that proves alcohol graduation parties are very risky. As a community we remember, only too well, the tragedies of past graduations, tragedies that no longer happen because of our tradition of safe and sober parties.
What Are The Risks We Are Talking About?
According to recent statistics nationwide, if they are not attending a safe and sober graduation party, your teen is more likely to die on graduation night than any other night in their life.
Hoping to Take Their Car Keys?
A new study showed that at graduation parties with alcohol, kids more often binge drink. This leads to serious consequences for the grads, including: violence, fighting, rape, sexual assault, accidents, destruction of property, alcohol poisoning and of course death (see the recent article about the senior girl from Arlington High School).
In addition, an arrest for underage drinking can now cause a senior to lose their student loan status, college scholarship, and even create a last minute rejection from the college to which they had already been accepted. Military services now routinely reject applicants who have been arrested for minor in possession.
What About The Risk to You? The Laws Have Changed – Parents Are Now Held Liable for Their Teens’ Party.
In the past it was often “No Big Deal” to host an alcohol party for your kids. Even today some parents thinks “So What’s the big deal. We did it when we were kids”. Today, like so many things, Hosting An Alcohol Party has become a big deal and parents are just as much, if not more at risk than their kids.
What Could Happen to You? A Lot!
The Washington Courts have ruled that if someone underage becomes injured in any way as a result of being served alcohol, the hosting adults will be held liable, even if they did not provide or serve the alcohol. (see the articles below)
Parents Have Been Sentenced with Fines, Civil Penalties, and Even Jail Time!
Under the new Social Host laws penalties are stiff. So what is a social host? Specifically, a social host refers to adults who knowingly or unknowingly host underage drinking parties on property that they own, lease, or otherwise control.
The New Social Host Laws Will Send Parents to Jail Even If:
The parents are away from their home when their teens host a party.
The parents are present but deny knowledge of drinking on their property.
The parents of friends are owners and tenants of rural or vacant property where a party is held.
The parents rent, or furnish money or credit cards for the rental of, any property, supplies, etc.
In Other Words, If it’s Your Property it’s Your Problem.