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Don’t Kid Yourself!  With Texting and the Internet – Everyone Will Know Within Hours.

Word about the party will spread quickly through the senior class, and everyone including parents and teachers, will be well aware of your intention long before graduation day. With social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter you can be assured that within moments of your saying “yes” to a party, the information will go viral. Even if you tell your kids to keep it quiet, you won’t be able to control what happens on the internet.

Once All the Seniors Know That You Are Hosting the Party, The School Will Know, and Then The Police Will Know.

During the graduation season, police across the state step up their underage drinking enforcement with special Party Patrols (see the articles below) and aggressive crack-downs on parties. They are specifically looking for adults hosting these events and when they learn you’re planning graduation party with alcohol, the party won’t even get started (see the articles below) and you will have robbed your kids and their friends of their last chance to be together as the graduating class.

With the New Laws, Police Are Out In Force This Year Looking To Bust the Parents Who Allow the Parties on Their Property.

You will have taken from your senior their opportunity to celebrate their hard work and instead left them with a sense of resentment toward you and frustration at their choice of missing out on a once-in-a-lifetime event. The police have made it clear to us that once word gets out they will find out about the party, they will bust it, and it will be a disappointment for the seniors and jail for the adults.


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